Image Analysis Reading Group

Discusses topics related to image and signal analysis, both methods and applications. Special interests in machine learning approaches and medical image analysis.


IARG is an activity of the Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing research group within the Department of Computing, Macquarie University

View the Project on GitHub computing-mq/iarg

How to announce your IARG presentation

Please prepare an email providing the necessary details and send it to Ava.Assadi-Abolvardi@hdr.mq.edu.au with a copy to len.hamey@mq.edu.au . Announcements of IARG activities are circulated to all IARG members, and also to all academic staff and PhD students in the Department of Computing. Please send to the following mailing lists:

O365-Group-FSE-IARG-Members;O365-Group-Computing Academic;O365-Group-Computing Postgraduate;sci.MLRG-Google-Group;sci.LTG-Google-Group

Leading discussion

If you are leading discussion of a paper, please use the discussion leader template. Please insert your name, the date, paper URL, title and abstract as shown.

If you create additional support material (such as a powerpoint presentation) for use in the discussion, please provide a PDF afterwards to sonit.singh@hdr.mq.edu.au (with a copy to len.hamey@mq.edu.au) so that it can be made available on thr group’s website.

Presenting your work

If you are presenting your own work, please provide the relevant details using the presentation announcement template.
Please include a brief bio.

If you are willing to share your slides with the group, please provide a PDF afterwards to sonit.singh@hdr.mq.edu.au (with a copy to len.hamey@mq.edu.au) so that it can be made available on the group’s website.